Tuesday, May 5, 2009


The thing/s that you fear most will 90% of the time happen in your life

It seems we make things hard sometimes. I work with people who have the mindset that though change is inevitable, that it’s hard work. My sense is that it’s only as difficult as you expect it to be.

Change Is inevitable. It’s not the world that changes so much as the people changing inside it. It’s always about the people. People carry the story around with them that change is difficult. The story perpetuates. Someone says, “Yeah, things at work are really tough. There are so many changes going on. Changes are so hard on me.”

Is that really true? Our resistance to the idea of change makes it so. But is it true that change is difficult? It certainly doesn’t have to be.

We are all evolving - every day we experience changes in our thoughts and our mindset. We allow our moods to change at the whim of someone else’s actions. We float through life feeling insecure about the future, wasting precious energy on worry. Uncertainty causes us to fill in the unknown with worst case scenarios. We become frozen in the fear about what could be.

I think we were built to be resilient to the ongoing changes that occur for us. Anything else is simply a thought. Our victim mind nurtures the thought that life is hard, that we must struggle.

When we really get present to the idea that our thoughts aren’t always real, that sometimes we create stories that produce an imaginary set of worries and fears, we are liberated. A gentle shift in our mind from that of being prey to change to that of being grateful for it can make all the difference.

It seems so simple.

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